Spiritual Direction is a privileged time and place to reflect with another about one's relationship with God. The focus is one's personal life with God, as it is lived out in all of life's experiences. Spiritual Direction is the process of coming home to one's deepest self.
Hourly appointments are scheduled about every four weeks. One's entire life is material for Spiritual Direction, as each individual seeks to become more aware of God’s presence in his or her life. The agenda is what we bring; prayer, images of God, questions of faith, concerns about the Church, relationships, fears, and joys. The director helps a person to listen to one's life, with as much care as it deserves.
Spiritual Direction, though practiced in the Catholic Church for centuries, is increasingly sought by people in today’s world who desire a deeper relationship with God and someone to companion them in that search. The tradition has consistently defined the practice of Spiritual Direction as an art that recognizes the Holy Spirit as the true director.